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Eye Drops to Treat Presbyopia Charleston, SC | Waring Vision Institute
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First Ever Eye Drop to Treat age related blurry near vision -Now FDA Approved!

Presbyopia is the natural and inevitable loss of the ability to focus for near tasks and occurs in everyone. Classified as a type of farsightedness, presbyopia is an age-associated condition. It is distinguished by the fact that it’s caused merely by the passage of time, rather than by environmental factors or a genetic predisposition. Although embarrassing and possibly difficult to admit, most people notice their sight has started to decline at about age forty, requiring reading glasses or bifocals. Dr. Waring is an internationally recognized expert in the management of presbyopia and has been involved in the development of many of the surgical treatments for presbyopia.

Vision and Aging

Presbyopia is a loss of flexibility of the natural lens of the eye, making it less able to flex and focus. You may notice that reading has become a challenge or you are forced to hold a book or menu in a specific place further from your eyes, or need more light to see print clearly. Located in the Charleston area, Dr. George Waring’s is a leader in the development of advanced treatments for presbyopia, and is an international authority on vision correction surgery. The Waring Vision Institute is a destination for premier eyecare treatments, including presbyopia.

Causes of Presbyopia

Some forms of nearsightedness and farsightedness are the result of a deformation in the shape of the eye or environmental factors, but presbyopia is an age-related condition. As the body ages, the proteins in the lens of the eye begin to harden, reducing flexibility and making the lens within the eye harder and stiffer. The muscle fibers surrounding the lens weaken with age and make focusing on nearby objects more difficult. Less elasticity in the lens and the weakened muscle fibers contribute to the fatigue and headaches typically experienced by those with presbyopia.

Your Treatment Options

Treatment for presbyopia may be similar to treatment for farsightedness. Our ophthalmologist may suggest one of the following treatment options based on your specific needs:

  • CLEAR® (Custom Lens Replacements) CLEAR® is a custom lens extraction and replacement for the treatment of DLS. The procedure is carefully and specifically designed to restore both close-up vision and distance vision with a crystal clear restorative implant that lasts a lifetime and prevents further progressive deterioration of vision due to cataracts.
  • VUITY. VUITY is a once-daily prescription eye drop that improves near and intermediate vision without impacting distance vision for adults with age-related blurry near vision. It is the first and only eye drop approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat presbyopia.
  • Contacts. Some people who prefer contacts can opt for multifocal contact lenses, which will correct both nearsightedness and farsightedness. In some cases, a different prescription for each eye is effective: one for nearsightedness and one for farsightedness. Over time the brain adjusts, and favors the right eye for specific needs. The time it will take to adjust to these contacts will vary from client to client, usually within weeks at most.
  • Surgery. Glasses can interfere with your peripheral vision, and contacts create a daily routine and require dexterity and the uncomfortable task of touching your eyes twice a day. Surgery can eliminate those worries and improve your sight with limited discomfort and downtime. Surgical options involve either modifying the shape of the existing lens with laser technology, or completely replacing the lens. There are many different types of surgery, including a treatment that provides an effect similar wearing two contacts with separate focuses. Alternatively, laser lens replacement has become a mainstay of presbyopia treatment. Laser lens replacement (RLE) has the distinct advantages of keeping your eyes balanced for distance and near tasks and can prevent cataracts. Our ophthalmologist will advise you of the most effective and appropriate treatment to correct your vision.
Schedule Your Consultation Today

What is VUITY™?

The Waring Vision Institute served as the principal investigator for the first eye drop in history to treat presbyopia (age-related blurry near vision). These new eye drops are called VUITY™, and they were just approved by the FDA on Friday, October 29th.

How does VUITY work?

Dr. Waring was quoted in a significant number of press releases about this exciting news, stating: "As we age, the lenses of our eyes become less flexible, making it more difficult to focus on things up close. VUITY offers a novel, safe, well-tolerated and effective alternative to current options for managing age-related blurry near vision," said George O. Waring IV, MD, FACS, medical director, Waring Vision Institute, South Carolina, and GEMINI 1 and GEMINI 2 principal study investigator.

"I am particularly encouraged by the rapid onset of action and duration of efficacy for VUITY to improve near and intermediate vision without impacting distance vision with one drop daily, particularly for those with mild to moderate presbyopia."

VUITY is an optimized formulation of pilocarpine, which is an eye care therapeutic that affects and optimizes the eye’s ability to contract. This optimized form of pilocarpine is delivered with pHast™ technology. This technology allows VUITY to use the eye's own ability to change the shape of the iris and focus light to the retina, which makes it possible to see things clearly up close. With VUITY, the near vision is improved, but there is no effect on distance vision.

How long do VUITY eye drops last?

Clinical studies demonstrated VUITY works in as quickly as 15 minutes, and lasts for up to 6 hours to improve your near and intermediate vision without impacting your distance vision.

Details about VUITY

Candidates for VUITY are experiencing age-related blurry vision and are not allergic to any of the ingredients.

If you wear contact lenses, they should be removed prior to VUITY™ use and can be reinserted 10 minutes after dosing.

If more than one topical eye medication is being used, they should be administered at least 5 minutes apart.

When using VUITY, use caution with night driving or with hazardous activities performed in low-light conditions.

The most common side effects are headache and eye redness.

Dr. Waring discusses Vuity with CBS national news, the first and only FDA approved eye drop to treat age related blurry near vision.

Eye Drops to Treat Presbyopia SC

Other options for age-related blurry near vision

  • CLEAR® (Custom Lens Replacements) CLEAR® is a custom lens extraction and replacement for the treatment of DLS. The procedure is carefully and specifically designed to restore both close-up vision and distance vision with a crystal clear restorative implant that lasts a lifetime and prevents further progressive deterioration of vision due to cataracts.
  • Read more about CLEAR®

Waring Vision Institute

735 Johnnie Dodds Blvd, Ste 101

Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

Phone: 843-592-3955

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